Thursday, March 31, 2011

2011年3月31日 How stupid are people?

Its gets on my nerves so horribly. On Monday I stuffed two bags of iron fillings and four weight in my underwear to fool the scale and I drank 16 ounces of water and I was able to trick it so it read 97lbs. Ever since then my other thinks I'm "cured" because she saw the scale number, even though I'm still 86lbs...I bothers me so much, with all of her comments of "you look so much healthier" "you don't look sickly anymore" yet I'm the SAME WEIGHT!!! I don't get it >____<;;;; I hate hearing these comments of being "healthy" because I'm not, I'm more miserable than ever being this fat I want to be 75lbs I want to be in my safe zone.


  1. o wow that doesnt mankene sense what so ever an di would b frutrateda s well

  2. Oh my heck ME FREAKING TOO. I'm not pro-anorexic, nor do I have any idea how I came across your blog (I'm very much in recovery) but I just had to tell you that I'm in the exact same situation. My mom somehow thinks I weigh 120ish when really I'm 83. That's like a 40 lb difference! And she is constantly telling me how much "better" and "healthier" I looked now compared to before, and by before I mean when I weighed like 100ish. So ya if drives me crazy. It's like, seriously mom are you THAT dumb?
